Logo kindly supplied by Mr. Amir Sooratgar of Sweden. Many THX!


This is no commercial website, it is intended only as my private ideas compendium
and it is also for your private interest

I share my experience with all interested Audio DIY builders and Audio tuning experts.
Please respect that I shall not accept any claim, implied or not implied,
resulting from usage of the ideas found within this website!

If you want to use my ideas commercially, please contact me via
office@tubeclinic.com .
constructionpages under construction ...

Last supplements:

Chapter about The Calculation of Audio Transformers
NITRO - a standalone DAC of supreme performance
FETishizator 3.0 - mistake corrected, new revision!
Test signals - a new page containing signals for testing of equipment and a description of differential systems
AQUAVITE 1.0 - a hybrid tube-head-amp
B1+ GYRATOR - substituting a choke, new version V 1.1
TUBEDELAY - a two-step delay for the heaters and muting, new version V 1.1
Preparing Laser-Disks - for best operation and performance
HiEnd Audio Supplies - are SMPS suiting HiEnd tube-gear requirements?
Putting the Music Angel 845 into action - ... after modding and soldering ... approaching music

last update: 30.04.2020